6 Jun 1900
Drafted 8 boys & 8 girls to the High School today (included Nellie Wrathall)
17 Jan 1905
Nannie Wrathall began duties as Monitress in this school.
1 Feb 1905
Nannie Wrathall & Eleanor Leighton receive half a day for private study.
23 Jun 1909
Shall be absent this afternoon
Miss Robinson will be left in charge with Miss Elsie Wrathall
26 Jun 1909
(In H.M. Inspectors Report under Staff M. Elsie Wrathall)
13 Sep 1909
Elsie Wrathall is absent from school this week having obtained leave of absence.
4 Nov 1910
Transferred W.J. Wrathall to the five year old register.
27 Jun 1913
The following children got prizes
..William James Wrathall
3 Jun 1914
The children who received prizes for full attendance were
. W.J. Wrathall
2 Oct 1917
Munition Works at Lancaster on fire. The powder magazine not yet exploded
20 Feb 1922
.Miss Mabel Bateson absent through Influenza; Miss Nannie Wrathall has most kindly taken her place.