In the name of god Amen. The ixth of Aprill Anno Domini 1607 I John Wrathall of Girssington in the diocese of yorke sicke in body but in good and pfect remembrance god be thanked Doe make this my last will and testament in manner and form following First I comend my soule into the hands of god my maker and redeemer and my body to be buryed in Lynton Churchyard Item I give unto my sonne in law Richard Frankland my best Oxe? for an harryott? due unto him att the tyme of my death / Item I give unto the said Richard Frankland all my ??? of the husbandry yeare ????? ????? ??????? him and ???? / Item I give unto my godchildren Anthony Tophan John Holgate Robt the sonne of Robert Wilkinson and Margarett godaughter of ?????? hebden to evry one of them viij (d?) / Item I give unto Henry Wrathall John Wrathall and Robert Wrathall children of Richard Wrathall to evry one of them xij (d?) / Item I give unto my servant Robert Drake xx (s?) / Item I give to Elizabeth Holgate and old? Browne ?????? to either of them iij (d?) / Item I give unto the twoe? daughters of Williame Wrathall to either of them viij (d?) / Item I give unto John Frankland and Henry Frankland children of Richard Frankland to either of them xij (d?) / And to the said John Frankland halfe a cubbord to Elizabeth his wife iij yardes of greene cloth The rest of all my goodes excepting for ????? of my said goodes as shall be due by laws? unto my wife by her widowe right? I give to the above named Richard Frankland upon a condicon that the said Richard Frankland his Executors Administrators or assignes shall pay or cause to be paid unto my brother Robert Wrathall of Leedes the twoe? yeares next after my death either yeare x (s?) on the feaste day of Saint John Baptist and after the end and expyracon of the said twoe yeares next after my death the said Richard Frankland his Executors Administrators and assignes shall pay or cause to be paid yearely unto my said brother att the feaste of Saint John Baptiste the some of vj (s?) viij (d?) until all of said goods given unto the said Richard Frankland to the use of my brother be spent and payd furth and yf my brother doe dy before all the said goods be spent and payd furth then my will is that residue? of the said goodes as shall be unpaid att the tyme of my said brothers death shall remaine unto the said Richard or his children Item I will that if any man or woman can claime? or ???? ??? any debt due unto them att my handes where I have not spoken of in my debitorie? or hereunder written my will is that such debt be paid of my whole goods Item I give iij (s?) iiij (d?) towards the mendinge of the Tonont end way / Lastly I make Elizabeth my wife and Richard Frankland my ?????? ????? Executors of this my last will and testament to see my debts legacies and funrall expence discharged according to he true meaning thereof witnesses of my will Thomas Peart Willm Wrathall (followed by three lines in Latin which I am unable to read or translate) |