In the name of god Amen. 11 day of June 1619 I John Wrathall of Grisingly (Grassington) in the village of Lynton in the Dioces of York singleman sick in body but of perfect mind ???? doe ordaine and make this my last testament and will in manner and forme following viz First I comend my soule to god ??? and my body to be buryed in the Church Yard of Lynton aforesaid ??????? I will that I bee honestly brought forth and buryed and for the same I give xx (s?) Item my will and mind is that after the charges of this and testament and the ?????? charges first paid I give bequeath unto Margret Ibotson of Kettlewell xiij (£?) vi (s?) viij (d?) Item I give unto Richard Wrathall my Father one whie? color? blacke? Item I give unto Robt Leyland xv (s?) Item I give and release unto Stephen Peart ???? out of xvj (£?) xvj (s?) hee oweth mee xv (s?) Item I give and release unto George Wittinson? xxiij (s?) hee oweth mee and I give him xxij (s?) more Item I give unto Agnes Wittinson? xx (s?) Item I give unto Stephen Browne xij (s?) Item I give unto John Wrathall sonne of Francis v (s?) and to Robt Smyth sonne of Henry v (s?) because I helped to give him Christendome Item I give and release unto Willm Wrathall xxv (s?) hee oweth mee Item I give unto Ann his daughter xxx (s?) Item I give unto John Heles? Children xiij (s?) iiij (d?) Item I give to the poor of this village? Xv (s?) Item I give to Francis ??????? xiiij (s?) and to Thomas Rathmell? Iij (s?) to Anthony Wrathall vj (s?) to Edward Wilkinson? ij (s?) Item I give to Anthony Atkinson vi (s?) Item I give to Anne Wrathall Daughter of my brother Henery one stirke? Item I give to Willm Peart Taylor v (s?) Item I give to Agnes Rathmell for takeing paines with mee ij (s?) Item I give unto ???? Henry Ibotson a paire of newe gray britches and a jerkin? I weare? Item I give unto Henry Horner my best appell (apparel) and the rest of all my goods whatsoever I give and bequeath them unto Robt Wrathall my brother and I make him my whole Executor of this my last testament and will and utterly revoke all other wills heretofore made In witness whereof I have hereunto put my mark Witnesses Robt ??????? George Wittinson? and John Heles? ( followed by three lines in Latin which appear to give the date 3 December 1619 and the titles and names of the church officials) (Note: there is a line of script inserted after Executor of this my which is unreadable) Debts owing to the said John Wrathall ???? Stephen Peart ???? xvj (£?) xvj (s?) Due Luke Day next. Anthony Atkinson vi (£?) xij (s?) Due the same Day. Henry Atkinson xv (s?) Due the same Day. Francis ?????? viij (£?) and iiij (s?) Due at Martinmas? next. Anthony Wrathall iij (£?) vj (s?) Due at Christmas next. John Deane iij (£?) iij (s?) iiij (d?) Due at Luke Day next. Thomas Rathmell xxx (s?) Due at Midsom(er) next. Thomas ???? xv (s?) Due then. Robt Peart xx (s?) at Luke day next. Edward Wilkinson xxij (s?) James tide next. George Wittinson xxiij (s?). Willm Wrathall xxv (s?) Stephen Browne xj (s?) Christmas next. Martin Rayner vj (s?) Item ?? goods one whie? and one stirke? his appell (apparel) and purse. Notes: As can be seen, all the monetary bequests are given in Roman numerals but it is difficult to decipher whether the superscript symbols indicate pounds (£), shillings (s) or pence (d) The word "whie" may refer to a female calf up to 3 years old, or heifer before it has calved. An alternative spelling is whye and appears in a book of words from wills as a Yorkshire term. It is still in common use by farmers in Yorkshire and Lancashire. ["Stirk" is also still in use, appearing in OED et al.] |