Note: There are two entries in the records at the Borthwick, both of which have the same references, as follows: | |
8 May 1595 Wrathall
(Registered Wrathowe) William, (Thorpe) April 25 Vol 26 Fol 96 |
8 May 1595 Wrathowe
(Wrathall in Act Book) William, (Thorpe) April 25 Vol 26 Fol 96 |
Memorandum That William Wrathowe the five and twentie day of Aprill did make his last will and testament in manner and forme following First he did bequeath his soule to almighty god and his bodie to the earth Item the third? pt? of all his goods he did bequeath unto Willm Yowle? to helpe him upp ??????? And his will was that his sonne Thomas Wrathowe (appears to have been originally written as Wrathall and then amended) should have paied? vx? (s?) that he oweth him and he gave to everie of the children of Richard Richardson one lambe? And all the residue of his goods his debts paid and funeral expenses discharged he did give and bequeath unto John Wrathow his son and his children These bearing witness Robert ??? and Agnes ??? (same surname) (Followed by two lines in Latin) |