Whatareria Hepehi

In Jan. 2012, Eve Nikora-Hapurona [nikoraeve(at)hotmail(dot)com] contributed the following in re: Whatareria Hepehi and Catherine Reid:
Whatareria Hepehi was the daughter of Muriwai Hepehi & Mere. Te Pereene her brother married Erana 
Cochrane who was the daughter of Dennis Brown Cochrane & Ruta Te Raumati Pairama. Their son Te Wairua 
Hepehi aka Muriwai married Te Waiataahua Hapurona. Daughter of Hapurona Ruatara & Patuwhakaire Titore 
( Who's mum was Elizabeth Titore nee Farley) Elizabeth was the daughter of Matthew Farley & Riperata 
Riimaumau Te Tupua. who grandchildren wrote the geneology of Ngapuhi Tribes in The Journal of Polynesian 
Society which can be found online here ( Henry Matthew Farley aka Hare Hongi) Hapurona Ruatara was the 
son of Ruatara Tauramoko (Not to be mistaken for the one they have online here he is another Ruatara) & 
Tuwahinenui Kawiti (daughter of well known chieftain Te Ruki Kawiti (From the Ruapekapeka wars up north) 
& Te Tiwha. Tuwahinenui was a half sibling to Te Kuhanga aka known as Maihi Paraone Kawiti. Te Wairua 
Hepehi aka Muriwai & Te Waiataahua had amoungst others my grandmother Maro Paraone Muriwai who in turn 
had union with her uncle Kerei Hapurona ( Te Waiataahua's brother) and in turn begat my father William 
Kerei Hapurona. who married my mum Huia Hapurona nee Te Amohanga. Another thing i wanted to mention was 
Catherine Reid her mother and father were Robert Reid & Ripeka Te Heutu. Catherine and Kiti are the same 
people she would of been given the Kiti name from her maori side most half caste children were back then. 
Her maori side would of used that name when she would been with her mothers people and Catherine when she 
was with her fathers people thats how it went back then so T.W Wrathall wouldn't of been married twice Kiti 
and Cath are the same person... Even her father would have most def been given a Maori name when he had 
dealings with his wifes side.. Dennis Cochrane is mentioned in Jack Lees books on the Hokianga and Bay of 
Islands along with some more notable family links to both sides of this family..... My mum is descended 
from Ludovious Hetet ( Frenchman) & Rangituatahi who was the daughter of Hikaka (1st) & Ngaipu. 
( Hikaka was an old war chieftain of Waikato and he and his son Taonui Hikaka Ngarue 2nd can be found 
on the internet also. 
 Ludovious Louis Hetet & Rangituatahi
     Hori Ngatai Hetet & Mata Tana Turner
  Werawera Ereni Hetet & Te Amohanga Te Hauparoa
 Reremoana Te Amohanga & Hinewai Ngaamo ( mums parents)
      Huia Te Amohanga & William Kerei Hapurona ( my parents)
My dads side.
     Ruatara Tauramoko & Tuwahinenui Kawiti
      Hapurona Ruatara & Patuwhakaire Titore
        Kerei Hapurona & Maro Paraone Muriwai aka Hepehi
William Kerei Hapurona & Huia Te Amohanga.
My dads Mums side:
        Muriwai Hepehi & Mere
     Te Pereene Hepehi & Erana Denis Cochrane.
Te Wairua Paraone Hepehi aka Muriwai & Te Waiataahua Hapurona
  Maro Paraone Muriwai & Kerei Hapurona
William Kerei Hapurona & Huia Te Amohanga.