Bishops' Transcripts of Linton Parish Records
Some of the earliest Wrathalls on record lived in the parish of Linton , in the deanry of Craven. The L.D.S. provide access to their transcription the
Bishops' Transcripts of the parish christening records, which were in turn copies of the originals sent to the local bishops, a project begun around 1598 by order of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
The period covered by this set of records is from 1562 to 1812. Wrathall-surname
ancestors are found on pages 476 - 483. There are 10 variant spellings that can
be attributed to different branches of the family, and to the evolution over time
of the name in an era with few systematized spelling rules.
Another source for these records is the book The Registers of the Ancient Parish Church of Linton-in Craven by the Rev. F. A. C. Share.
The L.D.S. records themselves are first organized in alphabetical order of variant last name spelling, next organized in alphabetical order of given name, and finally in chronological order.
The following are links to transcriptions of pages from a printout of the L.D.S. Bishops' transcripts: