Wrathall Descendancies
This page is a list of links to Wrathall descendancies, which are lists starting with the earliest known ancestor in a given line, followed by as many descendants as possible.
- Descendants of Henry Wratho of Linton (1520? - 1587)
Myra Simmonds prepared this descendancy using data from printouts of the Linton Parish Registers supplied by Derek Wrathall.
- Descendants of Robert Wrathall of Linton (1554 - )
Myra Simmonds prepared this descendancy using data from printouts of the Linton Parish Registers supplied by Derek Wrathall.
- Francis Wraithall of Grassington (1583 - 1667)
Sources: International Genealogical Index , Parish Records and Wills supplied by Derek Wrathall.
- Descendants of John Wrathall (1683 - ) and Anne Pickersgill (1707? - ) of Linton
Cheryl Borrowdale, John Wrathall Charnley, Brenda Heinsma, Helen Kenna, Geraldine Simister, Cathy Sibbick, Myra Simmonds, Bill Wrathall, Derek Wrathall, Evelyn Wrathall, Robert Wrathall, Robert William (Bob) Wrathall, Roy Wrathall and Trudi Wrathall provided data for this descendancy. (last updated June 2006)
- Kathleen Hayhurst's Descendancy of John Wrathall and Anne Pickersgill
This document shows the descendants of John Wrathall and Anne Pickersgill according to the research of Kathleen Hayhurst. (last updated Feb. 01, 2004)
- Helen Kenna's Wrathall-Pickersgill Descendancy
Helen Kenna of Ipswich prepared this descendancy of John Wrathall and Anne Pickersgill.
- Descendants of James Wrathall of Westhouse (1787- 1871)
Wrathall data provided by Derek and Jeremy Wrathall, Hamish Lonsdale, Nick Richards, Claire Casey et al. (last updated June 17, 2006)
- Descendants of Marmaduke Wrathall (1701/02 - ) of Linton
Kelly Jane Sullivan's Wrathall-Bull family info from the Linton-in-Craven parish records, and from another Bull family descendant in
- Descendancy of James Wrathall of Grantsville (1828 -1896)
James L. Wrathall II's compilation of Wrathall data from family records.
Descendants of Anthonie Wrathall of Linton (1580? - )
Myra Simmonds prepared this descendancy using data from printouts of the Linton Parish Registers supplied by Derek Wrathall.